Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Volume Cut From Ball R


Excuse long absence, but the commitments I was overwhelmed! Here is now a novelty that might interest you: the Fair of Sport

. I am attaching the press release.

Towns Vittorio Veneto, Main Chapel, Colle Umberto, Cordignano, Fregona, Revine Lake, and Sarmede Tarzo

Sports Fair is the second !

In collaboration with sports associations of the territory will be held Saturday, October 11th the second edition of Sports Fair, an event that aims to promote sport as expression of clearance on, health and wellness. Promoted by the municipalities of Vittoria within the project "Cluster", in collaboration with sports associations that joined the area, will take place in a route that winds area between the sports hall, swimming pool, the athletics track, the gym via Pontavai and Marco Polo Sporting Center . 9 to 12 will be given to high school classes of common Cappella Maggiore, Colle Umberto, Cordignano, Fregona, Revine Lake, and Sarmede Tarzo, and from 14.30 to 18.30 will be open to all children who attend comprehensive schools of the municipalities Vittorio Veneto area aged between 10 and 14 years. In addition to the stands dedicated

at sports events will be active three-point information two Informagiovani by operators and by a national federation of sports medicine, established the Institute of Sports Medicine. At Marco Polo Sporting Center will be positioned the following stands: planting in the athletics track: information stand, athletics, cycling, gymnastics, orientation. At public swimming pools: swimming In the arena of sports: judo, aikido
Stands are managed by associations working specifically on the sport and participants under the guidance of instructors will have the opportunity to learn and experiment with the basic techniques of different sports. Each stand will commit the participants to a maximum of 30 minutes.

Office Social Services and the juvenile condition Tel 0438.569306 Mobile 347.6855027
Now I run the R.IN.G. waiting for me! See you soon!


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